Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Hot Lunch Program (October - December 2014)

Assalaamu Alaykum. 

The Hot Lunch Program at Abraar School is run by parent volunteers on The Parents Support Team (PST).  Its aim is to provide students with a nice hot lunch that they can enjoy with their friends, as well as to raise funds for fun school projects and events. 

In order to make things more efficient for all involved, PST sends out a lunch order form every 3 months for the whole school year.

Please note : Pizza Vendor for this year  is 1for1 Pizza(2900 Woodroffe Ave.)  and Fatayer from Al-Noor Bakery.

Order forms must be submitted to the homeroom teachers NO LATER than Wednesday Oct 1st  , 2014.  

The Hot Lunch team is time constraint with limited volunteers and follows deadlines strictly. Absolutely NO late orders will be processed.

The PST Team